Sunday, July 11, 2010


I do not know what this is from.

"As my daughter, Hadley, has grown, I have tried to follow my guiding principals. I give love but also give honest assessments. I help her work through issues without taking control. I give her space. I only kiss her once for every seven impulses. I emphasize her strengths. I travel with her. I have built a career that makes me feel significant and I model for her the importance of doing good in the world. I have built a career that makes me feel significant and I model for her the importance of doing good in the world. I love and include her dad and her brothers in every thing we do. I try never to divide the world into two parts with men on the other side. I ask for help. I take advice. I show Hadley the best of who she is and guide her through trouble spots. But, try as I might, I haven't been able to stay out of bed. I have been to museums and ball games and birthday parties and dance classes but have always dreamed of my king size bed filled with mothers and daughters and laughter and bitchy comments and unconditional love and fashion shows and stupid tv movies and the sometimes easy silence between mothers and daughters. After years of denial, I eventually gave in, and took to bed. Thank god! And over time, I have gathered there with my mother and my daughter and my sister and her daughter and my sister-in-law and her daughter and my friends and their daughters and we have laughed our butts off, eaten way too much junk food, cried over losses and illnesses, post mortem'ed about parties and meetings and dates and celebrated victories over circumstance. And now my teen-age daughter's friends come in too and I hear all about their world in vivid detail. Ends up that despite Hadley's conditioning, she too can spend hours just hanging out, doing absolutely nothing. Who knows about nature versus nurture, but Hadley and I have this one unique ability completely in common. My bed has become our bedrock. Life is busy and things are constantly changing (my grandmother has passed away, my mom has remarried, and my sister has moved across the country) but I am amazed and comforted by how things stay the same on the king-size island where I was raised, and where I have reluctantly raised my daughter, and where she may one day see fit to raise her own."

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