Sunday, March 2, 2008

Posted to craigslist

I used to be very bad at reading. I would try to power through as fast as I could so that I got to all the meaning and interest and importance first. I got scattershot results (I lost basically everything written before 1900). Then I read this one author and she tricked me into going slow. She knew all these words and writing tricks I didn't understand and so I had to think about what she was saying because it was so complex and rich and satisfying to read slow. I gained a simple insight: things are much more pleasurable if you are aware of the speed at which they are going and you figure out how to synchronize.

I've tried to apply this, but it's not always easy to find the speed that's best. Does this make sense? There are some things you should just tear through. I know this. I just have to practice.

1 comment:

Steven said...

Upon rereading, this feels like an awfully big euphemism